Thursday 2/2/2006
Yesterday i was told we were getting a bearded dragon sometime this weekend most likely on sunday, but i have to got
to my dads this weekend so i may not see it till sunday afternoon.
P.S. I decide to make a journal because i saw someone else's web journal.
Friday 2/3/3006
Well ill be going over to my dads and might not be able to get on saturday
i only have to wait 2 more days for my Bearded Dragon
Saturday 2/4/2006
Nothing new and tommorow i get ryo my Bearded Dragon.
Sunday 2/5/2006
Well i didnt get Ryo today and my mom said i might get Ryo tuesday.
Monday 2/6/2006
Today im really happy because i might get ryo tuesday
Tuesday 2/7/2006
Well i changed the name to Ryno from ryo and i didnt get him today
Wensday 2/8/2006
Im going to call the guy tonight and mom said we would go shoping for cage stuff for ryno today.
Thursday 2/9/2006
Well i called the guy and he said he would reach the other guy probly on saturday, mom said because she was tired yesterday
that we are going to get rynos stuff today after my psychiatricst appointment because we will be out already
Note:Yes you did see psychiatricst, I have anger issue and mom thought it would be a good idea for
me to get my own pet, and i happen to like reptiles, That and green iguanas are illegal in Omaha, NE or you see a webpage
on green iguanas instead.
Friday 2/10/2006
Well yesterday me and mom went to go get the cage stuff and now we got it and maybe tomorrow ill get Sabre that what
i change it to because mom likes it.
Saturday 2/11/2006
Well i may get Sabre today and if the guy does not call by 5:00 ill call him.
Sunday 2/12/2006
Yesterday i went over to my dads at 4:45 so when i got home today i called my friend. He called his Friend who going
to call his friend and soon ill have Sabre/ Onyx {Not sure what ill call it}. My friend's friend was in the hospital.
My friend said that it would take a while moms going to look for one in a pet store
Monday 2/13/2006
I made a deal with mom that she would go and see how old the Bearded Dragons are at a local pet store
Thursday 2/16/2006
Well its breeding season so i have to wait a week then the guy said he doesnt sell hatchlings to first timers so i have
to wait another 1-3 weeks then i might have a Brearded Dragon.
I called lizard king reptiles today and they said they had yellow sandfire Bearded Dragon hatchlings and itd be a week
or 2 until they'll sell them
Off Topic: im righting a book with dragons in it and i need some characters and dragon color scheames so if you
think of any please e-mail me at
Tuesday 2/21/2006
Yesterday i went to see Harry Potter 4, The Goblet of Fire, and some time this week i will be getting my first Bearded
Thursday 2/23/2006
I called lizard king reptiles today and they have some that are 2 weeks old and they selling them for 39$. In
a month they will be about 49$.
Sunday 2/26/2006
Yesterday i went to lizard king reptiles and they had the most adorable baby bearded dragons me and my mom were planing
on getting on but mom said "lets wait a 2-3 weeks." and i agreed
Tursday 3/2/2006
Well i got to wait till not this weekend but next weekend. Then i will get my bearded dragon Onyx. It's a long time
to wait but soon ill have my own bearded dragon.
Friday 3/24/2006
Well my mom decide weel wait a month or 2 or 3 before i get my bearded dragon